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Are You in a Flood Risk Area? How to Ensure Your Safety

Posted by Hermione
21st July 2016

For those living in a flood risk area, the fear that high waters could seep into your property is a constant worry. When faced with heavy rains and the expected flood warning, it is imperative that you’re fully prepared to deal with the impending consequences.

There’s various ways to safeguard yourself from the physical and psychological effects that flood damage can bring. Here are some tips on how to ensure your safety.

Protect your home and belongings from flood waters.

Image credit: ronfromyork via 123RF


Flood Areas

Although those located within high risk areas are more at jeopardy, flooding can happen anywhere, even if you don’t live near to the coast or a river. To assess your risk factor, you can contact the Government via email ( to check the flooding history of the land around your address.

Improve Flood Defences

The best way to prevent major flooding damage is to enhance and strengthen your front-line defences. Identify potential weak points where water could enter the property, such as gaps in doors and ventilation bricks, and install guards to plug the space.

Sandbags can deter low lying water.

Image credit: highwaystarz via 123RF


Freestanding barriers positioned close to your building can be of use whilst laying sandbags should also stem the flow of low-lying water, although their use is limited and they aren’t effective deterrents on their own.

Sustainable drainage systems, such as replacing impermeable exteriors with permeable materials, will drain water into the ground instead of collecting on the surface.

Limit Damage

In some cases, the sheer volume and velocity of water is too much to handle for makeshift flood defences. If this occurs, measures should be taken to ensure your safety and safeguard possessions. Initially, relocate valuables and electrical goods to a higher position in the room or upstairs. If possible, raise fuse sockets and electrical goods/wiring to around 1.5 metres above floor level.

In cases of high water, relocate electrical goods upstairs.

Image credit: n1kcy via 123RF


Further Safety Advice

For an impending flood, make sure you know how to switch off your gas and electricity supply from the mains. Consider using water resistant materials such as stainless steel for fittings in the kitchen and downstairs bathroom. Tiled flooring is preferable as carpets will be ruined from excessive water damage.

If you’re considering a property conversion, transforming your garage into an additional downstairs bedroom for example, you should seek to employ a professional company who’re able to provide the most effective flood defences. Fully insured and experienced engineers will comply with the Flood Act of 2010 and help protect your property from water damage.

Speaking of transforming your garage, if you’re considering a conversion then you may in interested in 10 Ways to Transform Your Garage.

Posted by Hermione
21st July 2016
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