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Is Having a Loft Conversion Built Very Disruptive?

Posted by Ellie Crone
25th October 2019

We’ve all heard the horror stories; builders with filthy work boots trampling all over your fancy new shag-pile, construction noise that could wake a heavily sedated koala and a serious shortage of sugar, teabags and semi-skimmed milk. Fortunately, it’s not as bad as most people make out. Let’s have a look at how disruptive a loft conversion really is and what to expect while you’re converting that cash in the attic.

Loft conversion in progress

Loft conversions – what to expect

Converting your loft will fall into five distinct stages. Let’s explore each of these steps one-by-one and assess how disruptive each step may be.

Step 1: Inspection and paperwork

Probably the most chilled-out of all the stages (unless you have an irrational fear of inspectors and/or paper), this is where a surveyor comes to assess your loft for conversion. As long as your loft meets the criteria to be converted, you can then move on to having the technical drawings drafted. 

Disruption rating: 1/5

Step 2: Clearing and preparation

Time to roll up your sleeves and start schlepping out those Christmas decorations. Before work can begin, your loft will need to be cleared out. And yes, that does include the classic train set you’ve had since you were three.

Disruption rating: 3/5

Step 3: Scaffolding

Or ‘Scaff’ as it’s known in the trade. Typically, the house will not be disturbed internally until the next stage of your project, when your new staircase will be built. Installing scaffolding usually happens a day or two before the builders arrive.

Disruption rating: 2/5


Step 4: Internal construction

Initially, this can actually be done without builders entering your home, depending on what kind of conversion you have chosen. Tarpaulin needs to be put in place and builders can begin to remove some or all of the roof tiles. Next, comes the construction proper; installing internal structures, plumbing and electrics before decorating your brand-new loft conversion.

Disruption rating: 3/5

Step 5: The tidy up

This is where all the debris is cleared away and you’re left with a very full-looking skip in your front garden or drive. Surely the most satisfying of all stages, this is when you can finally see all the hard work that has gone into converting your loft.

Disruption rating: 2/5

Final thoughts

It’s great to keep things in perspective. Sure, having a loft conversion could impact your peacefulness levels slightly but it’s a lot less disruptive then say, moving home completely. A lot of how disruptive having a loft conversion is depends on how you as a person deal with changes, and your personality in general. To some, it may feel quite intrusive, although most conversions are completed in under a month. To others it could be less of a big deal. It’s worth taking the time to reflect on what kind of effect having a loft conversion may have on you and to adjust your expectations accordingly. 

With over 20 years’ experience in loft conversions for the Bristol and Bath area, MPK Lofts will handle everything, from the nitty gritty of paperwork to delivering affordable and top-quality results. Get in touch to see how we could help with your home improvement project; call 0117 9478200 or email today.

Posted by Ellie Crone
25th October 2019
MPK Lofts
90 High Street, Hanham Bristol, BS15 3EJ
0117 9478200