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How To Turn Your Loft Into A Home Gym

Posted by Hermione
2nd June 2015

We now live in a health conscious era, with thousands of people working hard towards a fitter, healthier life, with the help of the local gym. Being a gym member can be great for a lot of reasons, but there are also many down sides. Firstly it can be fairly costly, with the average gym membership costing up to £40 a month. Secondly many gyms are only open during certain times, so you’re limited to how many times you can really go. Thirdly is distance, many are quite far from their local gym and get more of a work out from walking to and from it. Lastly many are self concious when it comes to wearing gym gear in public or using the public showers in the changing rooms.

Below is how to create your very own gym in your loft, so you can always work out and you’re only a few paces away from the shower and the sofa! Learn how to turn your loft into a home gym.

Evaluate The Space

Not every loft is suitable to be converted into a room, especially a gym. You need to be sure that your loft is capable of not only being spacious enough but also strong enough to withstand the weight of equipment and yourself working out. We would not suggest using heavy weights in a loft gym, as dropping these could cause substantial damage. You can get your loft evaluated by a professional before you go ahead with anything.

Get Your Loft Converted

The next step, after getting your loft evaluated, is actually converting your loft space into a room. This could take a short while, but adding an extra room into your home (even in your loft) can increase your house value by £10,000 or even more. The beauty of converting your loft is that if you decide after a while that perhaps you don’t want a gym, the space can easily be converted into something else including an extra bedroom.

Make It Spacious

Once your loft has been converted you want to make sure that the floor especially is extremely spacious. You want to be able to add a good amount of equipment without totally filling up the floor. We would suggest having wood flooring over carpet as it is easier to clean if you’ve been sweating a lot. If equipment is a little slippery you can easily buy some cheap non slip mats to keep them still. Try your hardest to leave all of the floor space free, even free from wardrobes and/or drawers.

Clever Storage

Instead of having floor storage you can easily create over-head storage, which keeps the floor totally free for equipment. Smaller pieces of equipment such as small weights, skipping ropes, yoga mats, dumbbells, yoga balls etc can all be stored over head. Just make sure that these are not too high or difficult to bring back out again, the last thing you want to do it hurt yourself trying to get your dumbbells out! You can also purchase slim style equipment which is lighter and smaller for better storage, many pieces of equipment will fold away for ease of use also.

If you liked this blog post then perhaps you would like to read “How To Give Your Loft A Good Spring Clean“?

Posted by Hermione
2nd June 2015
MPK Lofts
90 High Street, Hanham Bristol, BS15 3EJ
0117 9478200